Emozi® High School is a designed to support your students' life skills and wellness while helping to cultivate a safer and positive environment where everyone thrives.

Emozi® High School helps prepare future-ready graduates by:

  • Creating engaging classrooms with teacher- and student-led activities

  • Providing flexible and blended learning delivery

  • Aligning with CASEL Competencies, Common Core, and future-ready skills.

Emozi® High School Supports Educators with:

  • Embedded professional development throughout the curriculum

  • Library copies of The Social Emotional Classroom: A New Way to Nurture Students and Understand the Brain, a practical SEL learning manual/workbook for educators

  • Onboarding support, ongoing product releases, and user group webinars

Support students' emotional well-being and academic success with Emozi® High School.

🔎 Want to know more? Preview a lesson now.

This comprehensive High School curriculum is

White text on blue box that says Flexible, Engaging, and Relevant
White text on blue box that says Backed by SEL and Neuroscience Research
White text in a blue box that says aligned with CASEL competencies

The Emozi® High School curriculum can be integrated into mixed-grade classrooms or used in single-grade subject matter classrooms, giving educators flexibility in implementing the program. The online and educator-led program helps build stronger teacher/student relationships and increases school connectedness.

Emozi® High School Features

  • A 12-month subscription with updated curriculum and activities to meet future career trends;

  • Digital student worksheets that can be shared with students, printed, or used on digital whiteboards;

  • Interactive lessons that allow the educator to lead the instruction via videos, flip cards, click and reveal;

  • Reflection/journaling, extension activities, and home connection assignments;

  • Online training to ensure successful implementation and embedded professional development to extend educators’ SEL skills;

See inside a lesson with this short video preview.