Teacher with students smiling, character development programs. Emozi® Program

Our Goal

We believe that everyone has the potential to succeed. Our goal is to provide a high quality and REAL character development program to propel students forward.

What we are Focused on

  • Students’ future readiness

  • Excellence in Education

  • Relatability

  • Parent and Community Involvement

  • Family Values

  • Educational Transparency

Our Character Development Programs

PATHS Program LLC provides high quality and easy-to-implement Character Skills Programs for every age. Our programs support your student’s life skills and promote wellness while helping to cultivate a safer environment for ultimate success.

Mini Emozi®/Emozi® Elementary (PreK-5) and Emozi® Middle and High School: are hands-on, flexible, and student-centered and teacher-led Character Development curriculums created by Anna-Lisa Mackey, M.Ed., to support teens’ critical developmental and 21st Century career needs.

Meet Our Team


Anna-Lisa Mackey, M.Ed.
Chief Executive Officer and Author

Why are you passionate about Character Development?

I love the fact that character development can make such an impact in students' lives. By providing high-quality programs, training, implementation, and support, we can make a difference in the lives of children and our communities.

Dana Davies
Sales Associate

What is your favorite way to relax?

My favorite way to relax and practice mindfulness is to focus on daily self-care both physically and mentally. I believe that listening to your body and mind are crucial in maintaining a balance within oneself. Whether it be exercising at the gym, going on a walk, reading a good book, writing in my gratitude journal or cooking healthy meals - I find it to be the simple things.


Jeanne Ziobro
Chief Product Officer

What is your favorite way to be mindful and relax?

My favorite way to be mindful is to sit in a yoga pose and listen to a guided meditation on my phone. My favorite way to relax is to sail on my 37' sailboat, head off with no destination, and be away from work and electronics (except for my navigation so I don't run aground)!

Faith Mackey
Associate Product Manager

What is your favorite way to relax?

Relaxing and taking time for self-care are super important for my health and well-being! Fitness has been an essential part of my self-care regimen, whether going for a run, taking my dog for a walk, or doing yoga. Another way that I like to relax is by cooking! As they say, you are what you eat, and I feel my best when making meals I can enjoy with family and friends. Finally, I love to practice mindfulness and gratitude by journaling.


Learn more about the Emozi® Character Development Programs, or request an estimate for your school(s).