About Emozi®
Our Goal
We believe that everyone has the potential to succeed. Our goal is to provide a high quality and REAL character development program to propel students forward.
What we are Focused on
Excellence in Education
Students’ future readiness
Parent and Community Involvement
Family Values
Educational Transparency
Our Programs
PATHS Program LLC provides high quality and easy-to-implement Character Skills Programs for every age. Our programs support your student’s life skills and promote wellness while helping to cultivate a safer environment for ultimate success.
Emozi® Middle and High School: A hands-on, flexible, and student-centered and teacher-led Character Development curriculum created by Anna-Lisa Mackey, M.Ed., to support teens’ critical developmental and 21st Century career needs. Mini and Elementary Emozi® coming soon!
Preschool-Grade 5: The CASEL SELect and Blueprints promising research-based PATHS® curriculum used in classrooms around the world.
Who We Serve
We work with educators in schools, districts, and social service organizations around the world to bring social emotional learning to students of all backgrounds.