A Complete Solution to Boost Calm Classrooms, Safer Schools, and Student and Educator Well-Being

Discover Our Life Skills Programs for Preschool, Elementary, Middle School, and High School:


support for common education challenges

Educators juggle multiple challenges including teacher shortages, emotional outbursts, classroom disruptions, and a rise in mental health issues. All impact educators’ and students’ wellness.


Mental Health

More than 50% of students in U.S. public schools are diagnosed with mental health disorders—and it is on the rise.

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1 in 5 students in the U.S. experience bullying in the school year, and students affected are twice as likely to attempt suicide.

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Aggression & Violent Behavior

Over 70% of public schools in the U.S. reported at least one violent incident on campus.


Teacher Burnout

Up to 50% of teachers leave the profession within their first five years of teaching due to burnout. This is accelerated due to the pandemic.


Easy to Implement Solutions for Today’s Educators

PATHS Program LLC provides easy-to-implement social and emotional wellness curricula for every age. Our programs support your students’ life skills and wellness while helping to cultivate a safer and positive learning environment where everyone thrives. 


Why Invest in Student Wellness?

Social and emotional wellness is a critical component of the educational experience that is proven to lead to improvements in student behavior, reductions in classroom disruption, and greater academic achievement.

Today’s students face a myriad of challenges and vulnerabilities that not only impact students’ learning but also educators’ abilities to teach effectively.

Here’s How We Can Help


Learn more about our research-based Pre-K through Grade 5 curriculum:

Discover Emozi® Middle School Life Skills Curriculum:

Take A Look at Emozi® High School Life Skills Curriculum!


Our programs create a positive learning environment for both students and teachers.


Nationally and Internationally Recognized as the Leader in Student and Teacher Social Emotional Wellness


Browse Our Programs

Each program caters to the unique journey of each grade level to ensure mastery of SEL skills and training for educators


PATHS® Program: SEL PreK-5

Photo by Julia M Cameron from Pexels

Emozi® Middle School Life Skills

Emozi® High School Life Skills